Legislative update
The Legislature adjourned May 17, as required by the Minnesota Constitution, without passing any of its budget bills. That day, the Governor, Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka and House Speaker Melissa Hortman announced that they had reached a “global agreement” [...] Read more
U.S. Treasury releases guidance on use of COVID-19 relief funds for water/sewer infrastructure
From the National Association on Clean Water Agencies (NACWA):
On May 10, the U.S. Treasury released initial guidance for the COVID-19 relief funds for state and local governments on May 10. The fund is a $350 billion pot of funding [...] Read more
EPA seeks to add sulfate-impaired waters to impairment list
Every three years, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) submits a list of impaired waters to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A waterbody is considered impaired if a pollutant is found in the water at a level that exceeds [...] Read more