Technical Expertise
MESERB provides input to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, other state agencies, and local governments to ensure that the water quality standards they develop are necessary, appropriate, and cost-effective.
Wastewater Permit Review
MESERB members enjoy the option of having an experienced engineering and legal consultant review individual wastewater discharge permit applications, to identify and correct potential problems before a permit becomes effective.
Pooled Resources
MESERB members combine their experience, technical expertise and financial resources to share and obtain expert scientific information at a reasonable cost.
Information and Member Alerts
MESERB members and staff serve as extra eyes and ears to provide accurate and timely information to members about developments that affect them on the federal, state, and local levels.
News and Updates
Members receive periodic newsletters as well as email updates regarding regulatory and legislative and other activities of interest to MESERB.
Strength in Numbers
Many wastewater treatment plant operators are understandably hesitant to provoke the people who issue the permits that allow them to operate. But by combining our resources and working together, MESERB works to build positive relationships with regulatory agencies and diffuse the emotion that sometimes creeps into water quality discussions.
Permit Review Service
A popular benefit of MESERB membership is the review of draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits by MESERB’s technical consultant. This review helps wastewater treatment operators identify issues of concern in draft NPDES permits and gives them information they need to negotiate permit requirements with regulatory staff. It also helps MESERB to monitor trends in NPDES permitting activity.
Issues identified in NPDES permits over the years have included:
- Chlorination/dechlorination
- Emergency by-passes
- Heavy metals
- In-plant control testing
- Inspections
- Limitations on construction and treatment process modifications
- Mercury monitoring
- Non-degradation/antibacksliding requirements
- Phosphorus effluent limits and management plans
- Seasonal ammonia limits
- Whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing
If you would like to join MESERB and obtain review of your pre-notice or public notice draft permit, please click here to learn about our membership process.