The Minnesota Environmental Science and Economic Review Board (MESERB) is a municipal joint powers organization dedicated to the research, study and analysis of water quality issues important to Minnesota communities.

Save the date! MESERB annual meeting to be held June 6

by MESERB Communications • February 28, 2019

This year’s annual membership meeting will be held in Fergus Falls on Thursday, June 6, 2019. We are still in the process of setting the full agenda, but we encourage you to put the date on your calendar. The meeting [...] Read more

Update: MPCA now receiving reports, submittals electronically

by MESERB Communications • February 25, 2019

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is now receiving most reports and submittals electronically from wastewater treatment facilities with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination (NPDES)/State Disposal System (SDS) permits. These permits require certain reports and water quality (WQ) submittals

The majority [...] Read more

Minnesota needs you (to serve on a commission or board)!

by MESERB Communications • February 12, 2019

Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan recently highlighted the open seats on state boards and councils. Greater Minnesota needs representation on these councils, so we encourage you to review the list and see if any are a fit [...] Read more