The Minnesota Environmental Science and Economic Review Board (MESERB) is a municipal joint powers organization dedicated to the research, study and analysis of water quality issues important to Minnesota communities.

State report reveals details on need for water infrastructure funding

by MESERB Communications • January 29, 2018

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) released its latest report on the biennial Water Infrastructure Needs Survey (WINS). Communities across the state identified more than 1,050 future wastewater and sewer projects over the next year that will cost $4.99 [...] Read more

Judge rejects MPCA’s proposed wild rice sulfate rule

by MESERB Communications • January 12, 2018

On Thursday, the Office of Administrative Hearings issued its order and findings on the proposed Wild Rice Sulfate Rule, rejecting the proposal by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). We are pleased that the order incorporated many of the arguments [...] Read more

Public notices and requests for comments

by MESERB Communications • January 5, 2018

The MPCA issued a joint notice of the comment period for the 2018 Draft Impaired Waters List and revisions to portions of the Statewide Mercury TMDL. You can read more about both items here[...] Read more