New case studies highlight energy efficiency at Minnesota wastewater treatment plants
The Minnesota Department of Energy recently released case studies highlighting work it is performing in conjunction with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to create energy efficiency in the wastewater sector. Facilities reduced energy use 5-30% and saved an average of $13,000 in annual energy costs. MESERB member Northfield is included in the highlights.
Decrease in Phosphorus from wastewater increases Orwell Lake Water Quality.
The MPCA recently highlighted improvements to Orwell Lake in Otter Tail County which is now meeting water quality standards for nutrients. It attributes this to reductions at the Pelican Rapids WWTP and the Fergus Falls WWTP (a MESERB MEMBER). The whole article can be found in December Waterfront bulletin here (scroll down for story)
Region Faces Threats, Opportunities
This article from the Mankato Free Press highlights the regional threats and opportunities MESERB member Mankato faces including on water quality.