The Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PFA) is accepting applications for the Point Source Implementation Grant (PSIG) program beginning July 1 through July 31, 2019. Communities with eligible wastewater or drinking water projects that will be ready for construction by summer 2020 are encouraged to apply.

The PSIG program provides 80% grants of up to $7 million for projects deemed necessary to meet waste load reductions required under a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), reduce total phosphorus to 1 milligram or less, meet a water quality-based effluent limit in a permit that exceeds secondary treatment limits, or meet a total nitrogen limit of 10 milligrams or less.

To be eligible, projects must also be ranked on the 2020 Project Priority List for the Minnesota Department of Health or the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Grant application forms are available on the PFA website at Completed applications must be postmarked or sent via e-mail no later than July 31.

Note: Even if you plan to seek bonding money for a wastewater or drinking water project, you should still apply for PSIG if you are eligible. If you anticipate a project for 2021, keep in mind that you will need to apply for the Project Priority List by March 6, 2020.